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Señorita El Chupacabra

A Third person shooter in the crazy version of Wild West · By Omegan's Domain


Recent updates

Contraptions | Indie Game DevLog #11
In short: - new model of the protagonist in-game; - presenting contraptions - the story will be told through comic...
These majestic elves | DevLog #10
I finally added elves to my shooter game on Wild West, now when I add the last opponent type, I can polish my game. Elves are high-agility creatures that prefer...
Orcs are here! DevLog # 9
In short: - code for shooting and casting spells rewrite; - orcs added, opponent type: brutes; - new model of protagonist - body control...
DevLog # 8 Dwarves
In short:- shooting improving, and bullets can act differently depending on the weapon type. - dwarfs added, opponent type: gun master; After adding the last pl...
Devlog 7: Ogres!
Gameplay: Lots of stuff was added: - 4 directional animation moves; - Improved the camera; - Ammunition; - Ammo crates; - melee and ranged combat; - points; - e...
Devlog #6: Red Human
In short: - added red humans as "invisible warriors"; - tilesets are ready to make levels; - slowly spells are added to the game...
Devlog 5: Yellow Human
In short: - opponent type: yellow human; - animations are working better; - tileset resized from 10m into 2m;...
Devlog 4: Purple Human
New Opponent type in tribal-voodoo theme, type: magical tank:...

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